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Drug addiction’s harmful effects never choose age and gender


Drug addiction’s harmful effects never choose age and gender 
(The drug affects everyone differently)


Drug addiction is a harmful habit that affects the human body, regardless of age or gender. Consumption of drugs without a prescription has detrimental effects and can lead to death. The addiction to drugs never chooses age and gender the effects of addiction to drug act differently.

Prenatal Drug Exposure

When a pregnant woman takes narcotic drugs, it poses significant risks to the health of the fetus. These risks can lead to various long-term effects on the newborn baby. Some of the health issues related to drug use during pregnancy include:

  • Premature babies
  • Potential damage to the fetus
  • The child may be born with a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
  • The child may be born with Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE)
  • The child may be born with Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder ( ARND)
  • Shows many physical deformities
  • Reduced cognitive function
  • Increased risk of seizures
  • Effects on memory
  • Effects on emotion and behavior
  • Risk of Facial abnormalities
  • Smaller Head circumference etc.

Drugs effects on various Age Groups


The infant’s body can be affected by the mother’s high consumption of narcotics and sedative drugs during pregnancy.

  • Poor learning and concentration
  • Risk of depression higher activity
  • increased anxiety
  • loss of memory
  • smaller head circumferences
  • Different types of behavioral issues
  • low birth weight
  • Hyperactive in nature
  • cognitive impairments
  • Effect on heart
  • Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) etc.


During the teenage years, the body undergoes numerous changes due to hormonal fluctuations during puberty. These changes can lead to various reasons for experimenting with or abusing drugs. Some of the reasons for drug abuse during this stage include seeking fun, enjoying time with friends, curiosity, and more. The effects of drug abuse during this stage include:

  • Depression
  • Shows violent behavior
  • Mood swings
  • Lower in Academic performance
  • loss of interest in activities
  • Misuse of money
  • problems related to learning
  • Risk of Bloodborne Disease
  • Problems related to road accidents
  • Brain Damage
  • Sexual desire
  • Sexual Assault related problems like teen pregnancy, unprotected sex, sex with a stranger
  • Risk of STD i.e. Sexual Transmitted Disease
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Risk of social problems
  • Inhibit the development of perceptual abilities.
  • Delayed Puberty
  • Reduced growth potential
  • Shows effects on the reproductive system etc.


The consumption of drugs among adults differs from other age groups due to the burden of job responsibilities, family issues, domestic problems, and social life challenges. This stage of life often involves significant mental and physical stress. As a result, the effects of drug use in this age group include:

  • Mental Health Issues
  • Aggression is shown in nature.
  • Mental Disorder
  • Various health issues like paranoia, hallucination, etc.
  • Anxiety
  • Higher risk of unintentional injuries
  • Accidents-related problems
  • Domestic violence
  • The immune system becomes weak.
  • Changes in appetite
  • Damage to liver
  • Lungs-related disease
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain etc.


Elders experience drug effects four times more than younger individuals due to differences in body tolerance. Some drug effects include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Failure of liver and kidney
  • Anticholinergic effects
  • Heart failure
  • Dry mouth
  • Problem of constipation
  • Difficulty in urination
  • Bodyweight related problems
  • Blood pressure-related problems
  • Memory impairment etc.

Comparison of the effects of drugs on Gender (sex)

Both men and women have distinct differences in drug consumption due to biological and sociological factors. Biologically, one primary difference between men and women is the production of hormones (chemical messengers) like testosterone and estrogen, which play important roles in the effects of drugs on men and women.

 Women’s metabolism shows a faster and more active response to drugs than men. Women typically have a higher level of body fat than men, leading to a longer period of drug absorption in women’s bodies. Women also absorb drugs more quickly than men due to lower stomach acidity.

 Gender-based research has found that drugs remain in women’s livers for a longer period than in men, contributing to a higher presence of liver-related diseases in women.

 Additionally, the lower binding capacity of protein in women’s blood compared to men’s leads to a greater risk of adverse drug side effects in women. 

Sociologically, women are more sensitive than men, experiencing chronic pain and depression more frequently. Women are more likely to depend on lower drug levels than men and tend to experience more cravings and a higher likelihood of drug relapse.


Effects of drugs on women

  • Loss of control of their bodies
  • osteoporosis
  • Breast and other cancer
  • Neurological effect
  • Hepatitis C
  • Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS
  • Psychoactive effect of Ecstasy
  • Jaw Clenching
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Risk of Tuberculosis and pneumonia
  • Mental Health issues
  • Insomnia
  • Issues related Mensural Cycle and Menopause
  • Problems related to Fertility and Pregnancy
  • Family issues like Divorce
  • Panic attacks, Anxiety, and Depression, etc.

Effects of drugs on men

  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Difficult to speech
  • Liver and kidney-related problems
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Depression
  • Become a Bank corrupt
  • Create Domestic violence
  • Problems related to both hypertension and hypotension
  • Excess of urination
  • Creator of Disturbance related to society
  • Dislike by everyone
  • Smelly body
  • Effect on body posture etc.

Abusing drugs is extremely harmful, regardless of age or gender. Drugs can ruin lives and tear families apart. They have negative effects on mental, physical, and emotional health. It’s important to stay away from drugs and avoid getting addicted to them.


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