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Colorful Biotechnology
Colorful Biotechnology
Types of Biotechnology on the bases of different colors
“ We must address individually and collectively, moral and ethical issues raised by cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and biotechnology, which will enable significant life extension, designer babies, and memory extraction”- Klaus Schwab
Biotechnology has comprehensive applications parts that we have seen all around us. On the bases of these broad applications of biotechnology, we can categorize biotechnology into different categories based on the color indication -
Gold Biotechnology that relates to computational biotechnology known as bioinformatics.
Red Biotechnology indicates biotechnology uses in the medical and pharmaceutical industries and health preservation.
Blue Biotechnology relates to the exploitation of sea resources.
White Biotechnology is applied to uses of living cells like yeast, molds, bacteria, enzymes, and plants to produce quickly degradable products that require less energy moreover, all of them create less waste during their production.
Green Biotechnology is applied to agricultural processes.
Gray Biotechnology field is focused on environmental application part.
Yellow Biotechnology refers to the use of biotechnology in food production.
Violet Biotechnology relates to the law, ethical and philosophical issues around biotechnology.
Brown Biotechnology discusses the management of arid lands and deserts.
Black Biotechnology also known as Dark Biotechnology relates and is associated with bioterrorism or biological weapons that show the dark side of biotechnology.
"I’m very interested in the impact of biotechnology on the way people live"- Lois McMaster Bujold
20 Major Applications Of Red Biotechnology Red Biotechnology is a branch of modern biotechnology T he term Biotechnology was introduced by a Hungarian engineer, Karl Ereky in 1917. Ereky defined biotechnology as “ all lines of work by which products are produced from raw materials with the aid of living things”. Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary application. Biotechnological research has a wide range of applications that are shown in medical and health science, agriculture science, and environmental science. Bio-Pharmaceutical is known as Red- Biotechnology. This branch of biotechnology is related to health care. The main utilization of this branch is shown in the field of medicine. Red biotechnology helps to improve the quality of life. Red-Biotechnology has a wide range of applications. Many applications are shown in medical and health science, genetic engineering, gene therapy, and many more fields related to the medical line. 20 Major Applications of Red Biotechnology are...
17 Most Important Applications Of Green biotechnology Agrobiotechnology Green biotechnology related to plants of improving both the quality and quantity of plants. The main goal of green biotechnology is the production of an improved variety of plants, with the help of biotechnology-based techniques that should be environmentally friendly solutions. The main aim of green biotechnology is to tackle food security issues and reduce the environmental footprint of the industry. Green biotechnology can improve the global food situation. 17 Most Important Applications Of Green Biotechnology : 1. Micropropagation One of the most important applications of green biotechnology is the micropropagation of plant species. this technique has attained the status of a large plant-based industry. Micropropagation is the true type of propagation of selected genotypes using small pieces of tissues which can stay as an important technique for rapid production of many...
Milestones in the history of Plant Tissue Culture 20 Scientists name and their contribution to Plant Tissue culture Gottlieb Haberlandt - Father of Plant Tissue Culture Plant Tissue Culture is an in vitro aseptic conditions of plant cells, tissues, or organs maintained growth under sterile conditions on a nutrient culture medium of known composition. It is a collection of various techniques that helps for the development of the plants under the artificial environment that produces the required plant quickly. In short, Plant tissue culture is the growth of organs, tissues, or cells in an artificial medium. Applications part of Plant Tissue Culture are : It is the most efficient technology for crop improvement. Production of the plant by Plant Tissue culture technology has the capability to resistance to various diseases. The plants become tolerable to stress. The most important application of plant tissue culture is the...
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