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Miyawaki Technology — The Potted Seedling Method


Miyawaki Technology — The Potted Seedling Method

Experience of Afforestation

                                                        Photo Courtesy of Author

Pollution, we are all familiar with this term very accurately. There is a deep connection between pollution and deforestation. The united states Environmental Protection Agency defines deforestation as the “permanent removal of standing Forests”.The removal, however, occurs for a variety of different reasons and has a variety of devastating consequences. Forest loss can cause around 10% of global warming.

To escalate our lifestyle, to enhance urbanization, and many more reasons behind deforestation. We never think before cutting trees about its harmful impact on our environment and effects on the next generation. Loss of vegetation can cause desertification also.

Question- is plants play an important role in our life?

Yes, plants play a very important role not even in our life but in the climate too.

When we see plants all around us, we feel such a lovely experience of fresh inhalation. Plants help to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and reduce our carbon footprint. It helps to absorb pollutants which improves air quality.

How to Grow a Forest in minimum space?

In this article, I will share my experience as a Forest creator in the Ecosikh Organisation( Ecosikh organization is a response from the Sikh community to the threats of climate change and the deterioration of the natural environment) making my mini forest in a village near my hometown. This mini forest making via a Miyawaki Technique. I prepared this mini forest under the guidance of Afforestt, which is a service provider for creating natural, wild, maintenance-free, native forests. Overview of my mini forest, I had planted 600 trees out of which 31 were native species. The blossoming form one year my mini forest tree is now 15–20 feet tall, extensively dense forest, and has become a shelter for many birds. This forest is continuously growing and expanding. I have seen through my own experience and vital understanding of my environment and its climatic conditions, I feel proud my myself that not part of deforestation but part of afforestation.

Miyawaki technique is a technique pioneered by Japnese botanist Akira Miyawaki, in 1980 s that helps build dense native forests. He introduced a new and innovative reforestation approach in japan.Dr. Miyawaki has planted around 50 million trees all over the world , and in 2006 he won Blue Planet prize which is euivalent to the nobel prize in the environment field.This technique ensure that plant growth 10 times faster and 30 times denser than the usual plantation . The best thing about this mini forest is it becomes maintenance free after the first three year. For afforestation this is a best technique, by using this methodology we successfully created a native forest in limited space.This methodology is based on the potential natural vagetation of the area.

Steps of Plantation during Miyawaki technique.

  • Soil survey helps to determine the soil texture in which plants should be planted.
  • Identify all native species in your area the saplings with the highest height between 60–80 centimeters.
  • It is a multi-layered process. Select tree species of plants like the shrub layer, Subtree layer, tree layer, and canopy layer. ( Note: Don’t place the same species next to each other)
  • Prepare the soil for the plantation.
  • Plantation according to Miyawaki methodology.
  • Monitor the forest for three years.
Photo Courtesy of Author

Surprising facts of Miyawaki Technique.

  • Chemical-free during this technique no chemical use in the form of fertilizer.
  • 100%organic forest.
  • Maintain the global environment and prevent the environment from disasters.
  • Expand the green cover around the urban area in limited space.
  • Ability to bring rain.
  • Zero pesticides were used.
  • Maintenance-free after the first three years.
  • The native plantation supports local biodiversity.
  • 30 times better carbon dioxide absorption and mitigation.
  • Control noise pollution.
  • Multilayered green forest.
  • Helps to form the forest ecosystem and helps to restore the indigenous ecosystem.
  • Cost-effective forest.
  • Over 99% survival rate of plants.
  • Guaranteed growth of at least 1 meter per year.
  • Practically promote to natural vegetation successional stage.

Our Planet is in trouble due to pollution and deforestation resulting in the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants. Everyone on this earth thinks about our environment and how can we help to save our environment. Be sure while protecting our environment directly we protect the life existing on earth.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything, better-Albert Einstein.

Note: This article has already been published in 
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