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Genus Blepharis : Blepharis mitrata plant


Genus Blepharis 
Blepharis mitrata plant 

Hey Friends! Have you any idea regarding Blepharis mitrata

No! Then let’s start the discussion about Blepharis mitrata.

Blepharis mitrata is a plant found in rocky areas of Namibia (a Country in Southern Africa). This plant does not grow in the dunes. The whole plant is spiny with elliptical-shaped leaves. It is a species of plant in the family Acanthaceae( the acanthus family). Other species of the Blepharis genus are B.grossa and B.pruinosa. Blepharis mitrata plants have medicinal properties to help cure hemorrhoids, Fontanel hardening, cough, and wounds.

Taxonomic details 

Kingdom- Plantae

Subkingdom- Viridaeplantae

Phylum- Tracheophyta





Superorder -Lamianae


Family -Acanthaceae


List of Plants of Genus Blepharis

  1. Blepharis attenuata Napper
  2. Blepharis ciliaris
  3. Blepharis crinita Juss
  4. Blepharis dhofarensis,A.G.Mill. (es;pt)
  5. Blepharis edulis
  6. Blepharis linariifolia Pers
  7. Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) B. Heyne ex Roth
  8. Blepharis mitrata C.B.Clarke
  9. Blepharis sindica
  10. Blepharis spiculifolia BAlf.f

Therapeutic uses of Blepharis mitrata

  1. Help to cure hemorrhoids ( i.e. Swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding).
  2. Blepharis mitrata have medicinal properties to help to cure Fontanel hardening ( i.e. Fontanel means the soft spot is an anatomical feature of the infant human skull comprising quiet membranous gaps between the cranial bones that make up the calvaria of a fetus ).
  3. It helps to cure coughs and wounds.



S.Vijayalakshmi and K.G.Kirpa (2016), “ Therapeutic uses of plants of genus Blepharis- A systematic review”. Department of Biochemistry, school of life science, Vels University, Chennai -600117.Int J Pharma Bio Sci;7(4): (B) 236–243.


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